Mentor, coach, program developer, facilitator and speaker, Sam Brown will impact any stage he touches. For over a decade, schools, organizations, universities and people from all over have benefitied from the authentic, relatable, inspirational and empower presentations. Whether the topic is teamwork, finding your leadership style, growing through what you go through, making your best better. Sam’s message is empowering and electric.
Sam’s gift of taking what he went through: losing his parents at a young age, being homeless at 9 , getting expelled and sharing it with his audiences has allowed them to understand that no matter what happens to you, there is still an opportunity to become a better version of yourself. His ability to teach to various populations topics stated earlier has allowed his to crossover into various industries. A partial list of clients includes: City Year of Philadelphia, Lincoln University , The Coatesville Youth Initiative, Valley Youth House, The University of Delaware, Newlin Foundation Scholarship Program, PA Student Leadership Development Institute Conference and much more. Sam earned his Bachelor’s in Speech Communication from Millersville University, and after losing his parents he had a desire to go into the world and shift how people viewed their lives from the moment they heard him speak.
Sam's words have resonated with all of his audiences- “Sometimes you need to have a breakdown to have a break through. Life will always happen to you, you will always face some sort of adversity and it’s important to handle it in a way that you learn from it all. I understand now that life has storms and rainbows and without the ugliness of the storms I can not enjoy the beauty of the rainbows of life. Adversity, pain, setback is all temporary just like storms. Sam is on a mission to helps other get through their breakdown, so they can have a break through.